Mesures compensatoire (Compensatory Measures)
15min, 2018, France
Single-channel video installation, mono sound

Comissioned for the Centre Pompidou’s Hors Pistes Festival 2018 La nation et ses fiction. Co-created with Florie Auclerc, Hélène Delean and Dimitri Robert-Rimsky. Produced at the School of Political Arts, Sciences Po Media Lab.

In January 2017, a few months after the refugee and migrant camp known as the Calais Jungle was cleared for the first time, the mayor of Calais issued a municipal ordinance forbidding access to or occupation of the Lande natural reserve where the camp is situated, by any means not “compatible with the conservation of its natural resources”. This bye-law presented itself as protecting a damaged landscape whose restoration was a renewed political priority. The question of environmental protection thus found itself entangled with the politics of migration. The video
Mesures compensatoires is the result of an on-the-ground investigation over several months in the area.